Further to yesterday's post, theAustralianTaxationOffice('ATO')has now announce date mporary simplified shortcutmethod tomake it easier for individual taxpayers to claim deductions for additional running expenses incurred (e.g., additional heating, cooling and lighting costs), as a result of working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Based on the announcement, the ATO will allow individuals to claim a deduction for all runningexpenses incurred during the period 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2020 , based on a rate of 80 cents for each hour anindividualcarriesoutgenuineworkdutiesfromhome.Thisisanalternativemethodtoclaiminghome running expenses under existing arrangements, which we had previously discussed.
The 80 cents per hour method is designed to cover all deductible running expenses associated with working from home and incurred from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2020 , including thefollowing:
Thismeansthat, under the 80 cents per hour method ,separate claims cannot be made for any of the above running expenses (including depreciation of work-related furniture and equipment). As a result, using the 80 cents per hour method could result in a claim for running expenses being lower than a claim under existing arrangements (including the existing 52 cents per hour method for certain running expenses).
Furthermore, according to the ATO's announcement, under the 80 cents per hour method :
(a) there is no requirement to have a separate or dedicated area at home set aside for working (e.g., a privatestudy);
(b) multiple people living in the same house could claim under this method (e.g., a couple living together could each individually claim running expenses they have incurred while genuinely working from home, based on the 80 cents per hour method);and
(c) an individual will only be required to keep a record of the number of hours worked from home as a result of the Coronavirus, during the above period. This record can include time sheets, diary entries/notes or evenrosters.
As always if you need further clarification in relation to your personal situation please contact us.
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